Sunday, May 20, 2012

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And can't tell where to find them.......

......Leave them alone, and they'll come to Kirky Show, Wagging their tales behind them.
Buttons and Zoe came second in the fancey dress class at Kirky Show. They did brilliantly and looked fantastic. I don't think there was one person at the showfield that didn't do a double take or comment when they went past. People were asking to take their photo and the Shetland sheep even got his own announcement over the tannoy. Buttons was a little star. Not to be left out, Honey also was a little dressed up for the occasion.
Doesn't she look pretty. Both ponies loaded and travelled well. The biggest surprise of the day was Honey. She seemed to really enjoy it and really wanted to see everything that was going on. She got a little over whelmed when we were waiting for Buttons class as someone threw the rope fencing and it was quite close to her, it was a small space and there were a lot of ponies, people and dogs. But she settled again and relaxed. Zoe was going to take her into the young handlers class, but it was the last class of the day and would have been really late on. I felt that they had been there long enough. It was a good day and the rain stayed away and the ground was considerably dry despite the torrential rain we've had. It was a bitter cold wind (Zoe did manage to smile through chittering teeth) and I think the only one who didn't feel it was Buttons in his fleece. We must say a very special thank you to our costume maker (next year we're aiming for first!). So proud of the little show ponies.

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